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How To Prevent Diabetes/Diabetes

less exercise and habits/patterns of life often stayed up late, and there are also some myths, lineage crossword, for example: when a positive hit by kake diabetes disease then it will be dropped on her daughter and her grandson to continue and so on.

The Dangers Of Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease most dangerous in the world, in addition to 4 HIV/Aids, TUBERCULOSIS, and Heart. According to the info we can on Indonesia itself there are 7 among 100 inhabitants that have Diabetes (both new and already severe symptoms).

Common Symptoms Of Diabetes
The good Sisters know what common symptoms of dangerous diseases on this one, so that later you can take the more cautious attitude again.
1. Frequent urination (every hour)
2. always feel thirsty (But just drink)
3. Always feel hungry (Though recently packed a few minutes ago)

Diabetes strikes many women (not impossible) especially grown, due to the lack of paying attention to the food. But now it's also a lot of sufferers who was a teenager at a dozen years have already contracted the disease. Therefore, for those of us who have families affected by diabetes in order to immediately mewaspadainya since the early days (the descendants of those who suffered from the disease of children and grandchildren missal) so don't get old after a later new feel as a result.

10 ways to prevent Diabetes
  • Expandthe physicalimplement(sports,walk, etc)it canburn theexcesssugarand fatevilthat existsinour body
  • Getplenty of fiberin the diet(e.g.vegetables andfruit)
  • How To PreventDiabetes
  • Eatnutsand seeds(example:skinPeanuts, green beans, lentilsetc)
  • Lose weight(follow thenatural and healthydiet program)
  • Expanddrinkinglow-fatmilk(it's beena lot oflow-fatmilkfor sale)
  • Reduceconsume/eatinganimal fats(eggs/meat) forkontiniu/overload
  • Rreduceconsumption ofsugar (either fromexistingorRicedrinksugar)
  • Stopping smoking(if notleastreduced)
  • Stop thehabit ofstaying up(for the sake ofyour health andyour future)
  • Get supportfromyourrelatives, (who always remindsyouto keepand maintain a healthy lifestylepatterned).
Don't let people suffering from diabetes in solitude because they also need us and need our attention.
This article finally finished my update, in fact this article is already much we get from various sources here I just renew (add) from my own experience. and may be useful for us all.

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