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How To Treat Appendicitis Naturally

How to prevent and treat appendicitis, among the communities may not be so aware of. Disease, appendicitis is one of the diseases that attack the cecum where it is connected in the colon where the feces. Appendicitis has a small tube-like size and slim sized 5 – 10 cm. Kapada appendicitis is the language of the world medicine for the disease, appendicitis. Usually the disease is striking among young berusi 10 – 20 tahubn, this is due to the number of young people who are often menyepelehkan patterns of eating. 
How To Treat Appendicitis Naturally
 But not closing the possibility also the other stricken, not because the disease strikes many circles. The cause of the disease is not yet known with certainty, but most of these diseases come due to the occurrence of blockage at the entrance to appendicitis. The blockage could occur because of hardened feces or it could be because the lymph nodes that swell in the intestinal wall. For the symptoms caused by the disease, appendicitis is usually no difference with the disease ulcer at first, but the more severe will be the more conical in appendicitis pain. Symptoms for appendicitis pain is as follows:

How to treat Appendicitis quickly and Naturally without drugs

Disease Symptoms Appendicitis
  • 1.Onthe initial conditions,you'll oftenloseappetite foreating.Itwill always befullif youwant to eat andyou don't want toputfoodintoyour bodyat all.
  • 2.On the part ofyour stomachwill be noswellingthat usuallydoesn't happen.If symptomshave beenfoundtocheck with yourdoctoras soon as theexperts.
  • 3.You starthard-to get rid ofgas.Normallyevery dayhumansmustdispose ofgas andalsothrowtinjanya.
  • 4.Often feelnausea andvomitingalso.
  • 5. There isan incrediblepainwhen youwant to pee.
  • 6.Often feelsuddenstomach cramps– arriveand thendisappearagainlikediseaseulcer.
  • 7. thenyou will also beexposed todiarrheal disease. 
Prevent Disease Appendicitis
If it has been exposed to symptoms gelaja like that you should check with your doctor immediately an expert to make sure his illness. The disease is a disease that appendicitis often underestimated but such as other diseases, if underrated will become a very dangerous disease for our bodies. We recommend that you do prevention at the disease appendicitis. Here are some ways to get appendicitis: disease prevention

1. Multiply the fibrous foods to avoid metabolic processes in the body to be smooth. So there will be no leftovers that settles in the Appendix.

2. reduce foods containing a lot of seeds whole grains. Chillies and guava are also some foods that could harm your appendectomy. The seeds are not able to digest will be in the cecum and cause infection in the Appendix.
 Tips To Treat Diseases Of Appendix
If finally you already terkenda verdict disease appendicitis, usually only by way of its treatment and surgical removal of appendicitis. Appendicitis appointed will not cause any side effects on health. But maybe you'll lose one organ in your body. If you don't want to use the surgery to cure the disease, it could be your appendectomy with the use of the traditional way. If using a traditional treatment of risk must be accepted is by quite a long time and also making can be done by yourself. The following are some natural ways to make make drug disease appendicitis:
  •  Using pomegranate tau can also called a pome fruit. You should be using 15 grams dried pomegranate skin, 30 grams of fresh guava leaf, and also 500 cc white water. Start with 15 grams of dried pomegranate porters and mix with 30 grams of fresh guava Braised using 500 cc of water. Allow it to air the stew to a boil. Then the water is filtered, wait until the savory drinks you be warm then seduh. You can also add honey in it.

  • The Ajeran can also be used to cure diseases of the cecum. Using ingredients 500 g ajeran herbs and also also 120 ml white water. You can use it to be an infusion of 100 ml water levels with each use and also performed twice for two times. Or it could be used in pill form, the drug taken in 3 times a day and each 3 pills. Do in 20 days.

Maintain health by regulating diet and exercise also can also keep your metabolism remains smooth. Not even the only good for preventing and treating appendicitis, but also for protection from other diseases.

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