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How To Know The Health Condition Through Nails

How To Know The Health Condition Through Nails ,Healthy nails are generally colored in pink.
Change the color and condition of the nails is rarely a first hint of a serious illness in our bodies. In most cases, the sufferer will exhibit signs or symptoms of the disease, before the change of color on the nails become clearly visible. Nail color can be grouped into several IE, black, blue, Brown, green, blue-green, gray, yellow, red, purple or pale, and each color mean something differen 

How To Know The Health Condition Through Nails

Many ways to find out how our current health conditions. One of them, and including a very traditional way, is to pay attention to our nails, good condition, colour and texture.

If you do not know how, refer to the descriptions below

  • White nails
This may indicate the presence of impaired kidney, liver or anemia. The White Ribbon-shaped lining on the nails can indicate protein deficiency.
  • White spots on nails
In most cases, these changes are due to a shortage of zinc or cuts on the nail. But it could also be an indication of certain internal problems such as arthritis, or a sign of poisoning. Although it has been said that white line could be a sign of serious health disorders, there is more likely a result of lack of iron or zinc.

  • The area under her nails are white
When the white areas look under nail (normally at the tip of the nail), usually indicates a yeast infection and should be treated medically. If the nail is white separoh and/or with dark spots, especially on the ends, may indicate kidney disease.
  •  Gray Nail Polish
Can indicate problems with arthritis, edema, malnutrition, post-operative effects, glaucoma, lung problems, emphysema, or other lung cardio disease.

  • Nail Polish in blue
This may indicate pulmonary obstruction, emphysema, or other lung disease. Nail that turns into a blue kind of cyanosis may also be caused by a lack of circulation of oxygen in red blood cells. It could also be a reflection of an abnormal form of hemoglobin levels are severe. If the color returned to normal after the warm-up and massage, the cause is because the part of the body we do not get sufficient blood supply because of the cold, a narrowing of the blood vessel network/, or other reasons. If the nail is still blue, there may be an underlying disease or structural abnormalities that interfere with the body's ability to supply oxygen-containing red blood to parts of the body.
  • Black nails
Black nails can show signs of anemia, a deficiency of vitamin B12, a bacterial infection, chronic kidney disease, glandular problems adrena
  •  Green nails
It can be caused due to allergies, bacterial infections cleaning materials such as Bacillus, yeast infections, even serious emphysema.

  • Yellow fingernails
This could be an indication of problems with the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetes and liver. Yellow color on the nails may also be a result of respiratory conditions such as chronic bronchitis, or from swelling of hands (lymphedema).

On the Yellow Nail Syndrome, nails thicken and new nail growth which later lead to discoloration. The nails are affected with this condition may lack of the cuticle, and can be separated from the nail bed
  • Purple nail
Maybe there is a lack of oxygen, problems in blood circulation, as well as congenital problems.

  • Red nails

Likely showed a brain haemorrhage, heart disease, hih blood pressure, lung disease, stroke, and carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Side striped black nails

This may indicate kidney disease.
To keep your nails healthy, so ask a doctor to check it out again the next. Experienced dermatologists could explain about the condition of the nails may indicate a serious condition, as well as determine the color change nail polish that needs further testing.

Need to be noted that this information about nail discoloration is simply a reflection of Your general health condition, which only write for information purposes only-and are not used to diagnose or treat any disease. If you are in doubt about your health, you should consult a doctor.

Kuku berwarna putih

Hal ini mungkin menunjukkan adanya gangguan ginjal, hati atau anemia. Garis berbentuk pita putih yang berjajar pada kuku bisa menandakan kekurangan protein.
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