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Tips on how to cope with the Flu or Colds Naturally

Main causes of illness the Flu or Colds ,Influenza (Flu) is an infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses). The symptoms usually arise from these diseases are namely body chills, fever, pain, muscle pain,
throat right saki a head feels heavy, coughing, weakness/fatigue and general discomfort.
Tips how to cope with the Flu or Colds Naturally
Once we can know what are the things that can cause the flu, now it's time I share my tips on how to resolve how the flu or colds. The following 10 Tips on how to cope with the Flu or Colds Naturally:
  • 1. Expand the Drinking water white
Why you should drink water too? the answer is simple, because the white water is indeed has a myriad of benefits which may also help treat the flu or colds. Try to drink at least eight glasses of white water/day. It aims to keep your throat clean of germs that can cause the flu.
  • 2. Consume hot drinks
In addition to reproduce minu white water you can also consume warm drinks warm-for example, the water is warm, the water is too hot tea, coffee etc. Why you should drink warm? The answer is because the flu at the time, there will be a lot of wasted fluid through nasal secretions, saliva and sweat. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water, utjuannya to replace lost body fluids. Why should the warm water? because of the warm liquid can help reduce clogged nose, prevents dehydration, and relieve the throat which is interrupted. In addition, the steam from the hot drinks can also help to thin the mucus. So, if you are aware that drinking warm cold-warm!
  • 3. Rest the Total
A tired body condition will cause a weakened immune and flu will strike when the body condition kekebalannya system is weakened. Hence, it is advisable for you to do a break and stop working for a while, so that your immune system   back
  • 4. Consumption and Buan Vegetables
When your body's weakened condition, automatically your immune system will be weakened. Thus the intake of vitamins and minerals are indispensable untum help restore the condition of the body and help improve the immune system to keep it from developing meudah
  • 5. use an scent of Onions
The onion that we know as one of the many spices, but also can be used as a remedy for coping with the flu. The scent of Onions-Bawangan (leeks, red, white) can serve as a catalyst in discharge and cleaning the nose. The trick, hold the onions below the nostrils and hiruplah the sizzle for about 5 minutes. Please good luck!
  • 6. Traditional Steam Therapy
Evaporation is one of the traditional ways that are believed to be powerful to cope with flu. Do I put hot water into a sink, use a towel to cover your head and place your face over the bowl. For optimal results, you can blend the eucalyptus oil, turmeric, ginger or other spices.
  • 7. Rinse!
Gargle could be one solution when flu strikes. Why should gargle? the aim to help clean up the mouth of the bad bacteria to cause the flu didn't get into the throat. Try gargling with warm water mixed with salt, vinegar, turmeric root ginger to maximum results.
  • 8. use the Aroma of Menthol/Mint
Use the aroma of menthol or mint is one of my ways in coping with flu or colds. It's easy, you only need to apply eucalyptus oil or balsam near the nostrils, throat and part of your chest.
  • 9. Mandi with warm water
When you have the flu, try not to bathe using cold water. Always use warm water but the goal is to keep the body warm.
  • 10. Chili/Consumption of foods containing chili
Capsaicin is the chemical compounds contained in chilli that is trusted and proven effective helps clear the nasal cavity. When the flu began to attack, try to consume the soup with a sprinkling of pepper or foods containing chili. But remember, don't be too much, then instead of flunya cured even abdominal pain

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