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Type Bleeding which could be Fatal

Blood is the most important part in the work of our body. Blood needed to send oxygen throughout the body, regulate temperature, and functions of metabolism.

Blood should indeed be in the body, because it sees there is blood coming out could mean something is wrong. But, what happens when we begin to lose blood?

Blood loss is medically called hemorrage, defined as loss of blood from the circulatory system through a blood vessel ruptured.

Hemorrage may occur either inside (internal bleeding) or outside the body. Not hard to make out the blood, because of all the things, from trauma, fractures, abrasion and incision, could menyebebabkan blood drips.

Most of the discharge of blood we can fix easily. For example, cuts scratched or sliced from daily activities just need a little pressure and cleaned before the wound close and cannot cause any scars. But some areas in the body more vulnerable to loss of blood.

"Blood loss occurs more quickly when the main artery is cut off," said Dr. Joe Alton, a member of the American College of Surgeon.

Some of the blood vessels that can cause heavy bleeding, among other blood vessels in the neck, the jugular artery branching at the armpits, and many other branches of the aorta that sits in the stomach. Femoral artery in the thigh also quickly cause bleeding.

"The opening of the femoral artery is located in the hip can cause heavy bleeding so that in one minute somebody could unknowingly and death within a few minutes," said Alton.

 Types of bleeding

According to the American College of Surgeons Advanced Trauma Life Support, the severity of the bleeding can be divided into four.

The first was the lowest since the bleeding was less than 15 per cent of the total volume of blood in the body. By comparison, when a person donates blood, about 8-10 percent of the blood in his body was taken. In general there are no symptoms of this first level of blood loss, although there are some people who feel a bit dizzy.

At the second level, the body loses blood 15-30 percent the volume of blood. At this stage the symptoms of blood loss is starting to feels. "Patients feel tired, looked pale, and his skin is cold," he said.

The next level is the third level of bleeding, i.e. blood loss 30-40 percent of the total blood volume. The amount is about 3-4 liters of blood. At this stage a blood transfusion is necessary.

"Level 3 this leads to Bleeding heart beat very fast and trying to get oxygen from the network. Blood pressure down. Small blood vessels constrict to keep circulation core body keep running, "explained Alton.

A group of bleeding end is level 4, occurs when a person loses more than 40 percent of the volume of blood. Heavy bleeding requires immediate action or the patient will not likely survive. This condition will occur in hypovolemic shock.

To keep the blood coming out, if there's not much bleeding first aid that can be done is to suppress the body part with sterile and elevate the body part that's higher than the head.

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