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How Do Diabetes Damage Brain

Diabetes is not a disease that can be underestimated. Complications of the disease can cause damage to the various organs of the body, from the eyes, heart, and kidneys. Now scientists find evidence that diabetes is also damaging to the brain.
How Do Diabetes Damage Brain

Blood sugar levels are continuously high on diabetics will cause damage to body systems, including the parts of the brain. Studies also associate diabetes with higher risks of stroke and dementia.

In a study published in the journal Neurology mentioned, change the activity of the brain blood vessels in diabetics will trigger a decline in cognitive function and their ability to perform daily activities.

Dr. Vera Novak, the candidate of the nervous Professor at Harvard Medical School and his team follow the health of a group of people aged over 65 years. Half of them suffered from diabetes mellitus and the rest do not. After two years, diabetic patients have cognitive test scores are lower, while a healthy respondents only showed a slight decline.

The decline, according to Novak, occurs because of changes in the brain of diabetic patients. Diabetes can cause the blood vessels are less responsive on needs in the area of the brain.

Normally, the blood vessels that are flexible will inflate to increase oxygen blood flow to more active areas, e.g. areas involving memory while performing the task of thinking. In diabetics, flesibilitas it was reduced.

Now the researchers continue their research to find out whether brain function may increase when the blood vessel health improved. One of the methods tested is wearing an insulin that is inhaled through the nose or the drug-lowering blood pressure so that the activity of the brain's blood vessels to return to normal.

Find a therapy that could improve brain function in diabetes patients is very important. Moreover, nowadays more and more people are undiagnosed diabetes since the age of the children.

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