Experience a migraine is a terrible thing. While there are medications to treat this pain, but a natural treatment that is easily obtained at home has always been the best choice. One of the solutions to overcome it is with herbal tea. Tea is able to relieve headaches due to migraines that do not cause any side effects. Here are some of the kinds that can help your migraines like that offered by boldsky.com
- Green teagreen teahascaffeinewhich helpto combatall types ofheadaches,especiallymigraine.Ginger Tea.Gingerrootishealingby itself.Ginger teafor migraineis the bestbecause it containsrichamountsof prostaglandinswhich helpto terminateinflammationthat causesheadaches.However, pregnant womenshould avoidginger teabecause it can cause miscarriage.
- Chamomile Tea.Otherherbal teafor migraineisChamomile.Drinka cup ofChamomile teahot,if you experiencea painfulmigraineheadache.Take a breakandsee the differenceafter half an hour.
- LemonTea.Black tealemonteaisanotherthat helps withmigraines.Makea cup of teathe normalblackwithout sugarand add2-3drops oflemon juice.Drinkinga cup ofthis healthywhenmigrainesseem to beuncontrollable.
- RosemaryTea.Calmingrosemaryhelps to healyou frommigraine headaches.Essenceof rosemaryhelps reduceinflammationand thuspulls outa headache.Thisherbal teahelpin weight lossas well.
- Mint Tea.The tasteofmintthis teawill makemigrainesaway.Fora cup ofblack tea, add somemint leaves.Soak inthe teafor 5 to10 minutes beforeconsumption.
- CinnamonTea.Best herbalteathat helps withmigraineisteamixed withground cinnamon.Addhalf a tablespoon ofcinnamon powdertoa cup ofblack teaor youcan allowa piece ofcinnamontosoak inthe teafor 2 minutesbeforeconsumption.
- CardamomTea.Elaichiorcardamomherbal teaisone of the bestto treatmigraine headaches.Destroy alittlecardamompodsand mixinYourteakettle.Simmer,strain itand enjoy it.
Well Ladies, that's 8 sorts of tea can help your migraines away.